The Tim Castle Show

011 Sunny Jo Lawrence - What It Takes! How Grit, Determination, Empathy and Vision Play A Role In Achieving Your Mission

November 01, 2021

Listening to Sunny Jo Lawrence is like a ray of light has entered your life.

In this episode I wanted to chat with Sunny Jo, wife of Iron Cowboy James Lawrence to get her perspective on Conquer 100, the 50/50/50, Raising a family of 5 kids, the importance and impact of faith and living with a dreamer.

Honestly this is one of the best conversations I have had,  there is so much packed into 50 minutes, Sunny talks about letting go of ego, methods of organisation and survival,  marriage,  facing the struggle, understanding the steps to making a dream come true.

What shines through is the journey that James and Sunny and their wonderful family have been on over the last decade and how they have navigated hardships, adversity, job losses, major financial difficulty and figuring out how to go all in on your dream!

The incredible partnership between Sunny and James is apparent, the understanding of who they each are as individuals and being able to deliver the right thing at the right time to stay on the mission is fantastic.

Marriage, Triathlons, Endurance, Family, Kids, God, Life, Complications, Hard stuff, it is all in there.

A bit of the backstory for those that don't know, James the Iron Cowboy has just completed a feat of endurance called Conquer 100, this was 100 consecutive ironman triathlons in a row, thats Full Ironman Triathlon's! This triathlon distance requires a 2.4 mile swim (3.9K), 112 mile bike (180.2K), and 26.2 mile run (42.2K) every day, for 100 days! He just completed this world record in June 2021.

The 50/50/50 was a challenge James completed 6 years ago in 2015, this was 50 ironman triathlons, in 50 states, in 50 days - talk about a logistical nightmare let alone something every one thought was IMPOSSIBLE!

Sunnys motto is "you're going to touch peoples lives whether you want to or not, so my number one motto is to leave little sparkles and glitter on everyone I meet". It's about having a positive impact.

Let this episode touch you and empower you to take on your hard!

Check out Sunny Jo on Instagram
