The Tim Castle Show
Hi I'm Tim Castle, Author, Coach and Entrepreneur, this is my podcast where I sit down with courageous people doing inspirational things around the world. There is so much good in the world, so many amazing stories, each with their own valuable lessons and I want to use this platform as a vehicle for change so help you find your true voice and live life to its fullest. Whether you are facing challenges right now, going through a tough time or on top of the world we can all improve by sharing our story. My mission is to help others go after their really BIG goals and become their fullest potential. It takes persistence, willingness to learn and an open mind but together we will make it happen. I live by my motto "believe it is possible". Course https://believeitispossible.thinkific.com/ Website: www.timjscastle.com Email: tim@timjscastle.com Social: @timjscastle Amazon https://amzn.to/3eoLEn4 Audible https://adbl.co/34edPmT
The Tim Castle Show
How to stop Catastrophizing? | How to stop making yourself depressed and anxious? | The Tim Castle Show
Welcome to another episode of the Tim Castle Show!
Today, we're exploring deeper into the art of stopping catastrophizing and reclaiming control over your mental well-being. If you've ever found yourself trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts, constantly making yourself feel depressed and anxious about the future, then this is the video you've been waiting for.
I'll show you that you don't need to be a celebrity or someone you're not – the key is embracing your raw, authentic self. Say goodbye to the damaging habit of comparison and hello to a newfound sense of confidence and self-acceptance.
In this video, we'll uncover the magic of shifting your perspective from focusing on the worst-case scenarios to embracing the positivity that surrounds you.
Once you make this crucial mindset shift, you'll be amazed at the results that unfold before your very eyes.
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The School of Success https://courses.theschoolofsuccess.online/
Job Interview Mastery - FREE LESSON https://timcastleschoolofsuccess.thinkific.com/pages/job-interview-mastery-guide
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#fear #doubt #worry